Find below two videos to learn more about us.
The video introduces Oulu University Teacher Training School in brief.
Learn more about mentoring, STEAM and co-teaching in our school.
What we offer
Oulu University Teacher Training School organises professional learning opportunities in the field of education and teacher education.
Our Global Education Services are for teachers, principals, mentors, teacher trainers, students, researchers, decision-makers, and other educators.
Please, see from Services the variety of course topics for you to choose from.
Our core competence in in-service training guarantees you a high-quality learning experience.

What do we believe in?
We are driven by dedication. A dedication to continuously and effortlessly do our very best to develop the education in schools and classrooms.
The Finnish world famous teacher training is the key to success. We put the student in the centre of learning. Each student has equal opportunities.
Today's children are tomorrow's leaders. Let's give them together the knowledge and education so they can make the world a better place for all of us.
All children deserve the best possible education available for them. Educators, teachers and school managers are the key people to organise and offer the daily practices in schools and classroooms.
An investment into education and continuous learning is an investment in the future of your country and people.
Download a flyer about our school!
University of Oulu is audited by Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)
Our school has been awarded with the eTwinning School Label 2021-2022.